The Songs the Season
Brings: Four Volumes

Release Date: Nov 17, 2015

Candy canes! Jelly beans! Comfort and joy! After four years of late night Ritz cracker and balsam-scented-candle-fueled recording sessions, the Beta Radio Christmas quadrilogy is complete! We’re happy to present to you, The Songs the Season Brings, Vols. 1-4, our collection of classic and original Christmas songs to help you celebrate the holiday season. This album is a compilation of four holiday EPs, each recorded in the fall across a four year span, and given away over the thanksgiving holiday. We hope these songs will keep you company this season as you’re shoveling snow, changing light bulbs, eating candy bars, singing carols, buying diapers, running errands, smooching babes, wrapping presents, buying AAA batteries for your newest thing, laughing, crying, paying off credit card debt, strategizing how best to return those pleated Dockers your mom’s half sister gave you, giving someone the silent treatment, and whatever else the season may bring!


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